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Thursday, March 26, 2009

He Huffed and he Puffed.

Hubby has high blood pressure amongst other things, but isn't very good at sticking to a fitness schedule. However, having totally chilled out for two weeks over Christmas apart from lifting a knife, fork and spoon to his mouth, his ever expanding stomach got the better of him and so a couple of weeks ago, he decided to ride a bike to work.
After just one day his knees and hips hurt so much they kept him awake all night and were still giving him gyp four days later.
'I think I'll try walking,' he said. So he's been taking a brisk walk around the block and walks to work one day a week.
Today was his day off, but as I wanted the weekend papers, he said he'd take a brisk walk and pick them up for me. Meanwhile I was giving the bathroom a good scrubbing out.
Fifteen minutes later he came in, red cheeked and puffing gently. 'That got my heart rate up.' he said, while I nodded mutely as I hung on the the sink, legs shaking and heart thundering.
I waved the cleaning cloth at him and gasped, 'If you want a really good work out,' which is when he suddenly remembered he'd forgotten to buy some new strings for his guitar and disappeared for the next couple of hours....In the car.

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