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Saturday, October 06, 2007

OPINION: Time to put my money where my mouth is.

My bedside cabinet has enough pills and medicines on it to stock a chemist. My head is aching, my chest is sore, and I have blocked, aching ears. My patience, which isn't great at the best of times is non-existent. Not perhaps the best time to write a letter of complaint [not the first] to our local paper about the closure of a neighbourhood store. But I did and it was published this weekend.

There was a protest meeting this morning which I didn't attend because I couldn't stop coughing, but I have been given the opportunity to join NAG which is a neighbourhood action group.
So my friends it's time to put my money where my mouth is.
The local councillors hate me. The landscaping department heads hate me. And our doctor who owns the piece of derelict land would probably hate me if he knew who I was! It's going to be a rocky ride.

Here is the letter I wrote:

Although shocked at the news Waitrose in Birch Hill is closing down in November because it doesn't offer the kind of shopping environment [sic corporate image]that customers expect from Waitrose, I have to say I'm not surprised. And I don't blame them.

There would be no need for councillors to have their photographs taken while supporting the petition, if they'd been doing the job they are paid and elected to do.

A few months ago I wrote to our three local councillors to complain about the appalling standard of landscaping we have to put up with compared to other areas in the borough, and also the disgusting bus shelter nearest to Waitrose.
Not one of them bothered to acknowledge my complaint, but then I wasn't surprised, it's what I've come to expect.

A few weeks later, a few pathetic posters were stuck in the glass and a quick sweep of the shelter took place, but it's still a disgrace.
The grass received one decent cut and from then on we were back to our normal, substandard mow.
There is a plot of derelict land right by the bus shelter on the main road which is a blot on the landscape as you approach the store, and on top of that Waitrose has had to deal with the nuisance of gangs of kids.

I'm surprised they haven't gone sooner.

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